Start an LLC Business

Create your dream company with an LLC registration

Pricing from $149 + state filing fee

3 Easy Steps to Start Your Business

We made it so easy and affordable to start an LLC

Tell us about your business

Answer a few basic questions about your business. The online process is simple and takes about 5 minutes to complete.

We file your paperwork

It's easy to file an LLC with Legalbiz. Our professional staff will prepare your documents and file them with the State.

Receive your official documents

Your new business begins its journey with the approved documents from the State. We'll send you the complete package by mail.

Create an LLC online today

Make your new business official by forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Get Started!

Basic Information About an LLC

Start an LLC

What is an LLC?

A limited liability company (LLC) is a flexible entity that features the characteristics of a corporation and a partnership. The owners of an LLC usually have no personal liability for the debts and obligations of the company, thus having a corporate-style limited liability.

Like a partnership, the profit and loss of the LLC can be passed-through to the owners and the owners report their share of business profit or loss on their personal income tax. The owners, called members, can manage the company directly or assign that responsibility to managers or officers.

3 Benefits of Starting an LLC

1. Limited liability protection

The owners of the LLC are protected from liability for acts and debts of the LLC business. The LLC is an independent legal entity from owners.

2. Pass-through entity

The profits of an LLC usually “pass through" to the owner’s personal tax return and taxed only at the owner level, not again at the LLC level. This avoids double taxation incurred by owners of a standard C corporation.

3. Simple to start and manage

It's easier to start an LLC than a corporation because it involves less paperwork and requirements. After the LLC is formed, it takes less administrative paperwork and recordkeeping to run it.
Start an LLC

Ready to open your LLC?

Creating an LLC online is easy and takes just 5 minutes.

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Comparison of Business Types


S Corp

C Corp

Liability protection

Pass-through entity

Flexibility in profit sharing

Ownership restrictions

Frequently Asked Questions

What does LLC mean?
LLC stands for Limited Liability Company. It's an entity created by state statute that protects its owners from personal liability for the company's debts and obligations.

How do I know if starting an LLC is right for me?
Most small businesses and entrepreneurs can form an LLC entity. LLC's are a good choice if you want to protect your assets without the complex structure and formalities of a corporation. If your business plans to hold property that appreciates in value, such as real estate, then it would be a huge benefit to form an LLC.

The only businesses that cannot form an LLC are businesses that are in the banking, trust, or insurance industry. In addition, state licensed professionals such as doctors, lawyers, or accountants should not form an LLC. Instead, these professionals may benefit from creating a Limited Liability Partnership or a Professional Corporation.

How many people are needed to form an LLC?
An LLC can be started by one person and there is no maximum number of people needed to form the LLC. The owners of an LLC are known as members. LLC members can be individuals, corporations, other LLCs, or foreign entities.

LLC vs. Corporation - Differences between LLC and Corporation?
The main differences between an LLC and a corporation are taxation, management and ownership structure.

Taxation - an LLC that is a pass-through entity has the business profits flow to the owners before taxes. In contrast, a corporation can be taxed at the company level before distributing profits to shareholders, unless the corporation elects to be treated as an S-corporation with IRS using form 2553.

Management - LLC is more flexible to manage than a corporation. An LLC is managed by its members (owners) or by selected managers, whereas a corporation is managed by Board of Directors and Officers.

Ownership - LLC is owned by individual members, whereas a corporation is owned by shareholders.

LLC vs. S-corporation - How are these similar and different?
S-corporations and LLCs are similar in that they are both "pass-through" entities for tax purposes. The profits of these companies are passed through to their owners and reported on the owners’ personal income tax returns, thereby eliminating the double taxation incurred by owners of a standard C corporation.

The differences between an LLC and S-corporation are ownership restrictions, employment tax, and flexibility of profit sharing. An LLC can have an unlimited number of owners, whereas a S-corporation can have up to 100 owners (shareholders). In addition, an LLC has flexibility in how profits are shared among owners, unlike corporations where profit sharing is typically tied strictly to ownership percentages.

Select a package to start your LLC



+ state filing fee
Order Basic

Basic package includes:

In-depth federal trademark search
Email delivery of search report
Professionally prepare U.S. federal trademark application
Review application for completeness
E-file your trademark application with USPTO
Customer support available during entire process




+ state filing fee
Order Standard

Standard package includes:

Everything from standard package
Experienced attorney handles your filing
Attorney reviews your application
Phone consultation with your attorney
Attorney files your application with USPTO
Customer support available during entire process



+ state filing fee
Order Premium

Premium package includes:

In-depth federal trademark search
Email delivery of search report
Professionally prepare U.S. federal trademark application
Review application for completeness
E-file your trademark application with USPTO
Customer support available during entire process